- Leeds - city wide
The following data set shows the number of dwellings in each energy efficiency rating band per quarter.
The energy efficiency rating is a measure of the overall efficiency of a building. This rating is based on the performance of the building and its fixed services (such as heating and lighting). The higher the rating the more energy efficient the home is and the lower the fuel bills will be.
The energy efficiency rating charts are divided into rating bands ranging from A+ to G, (or A to G in the case of a building that is a dwelling), where A+ is very efficient and G is the least efficient. A DEC (domestic energy certificate) shows the energy performance of a building (the operational rating) based on actual energy consumption as recorded over the last 12 months within the validity period of the DEC. This rating is shown on a scale from A to G.
The statistics also include partial figures for Q3 2014. These have been included for reference purposes; however users should treat these as strictly provisional. The Q3 2014 figures will change in subsequent quarterly publications as the EPB Registers are updated with new EPCs and DECs.
The dataset is a SPARQL query and updated automatically.