Call for Developers

Written by: Data Mill North, 02/12/2014

In the coming months we will be running a series of internal hacks with Leeds City Council staff. Our goal is to build confidence in a more collaborative way of working that can be facilitated by open data. We also want to increase the number of open data sets that are made available on Leeds Data Mill.

The internal hack events will have a unique structure.

Every group participating in the hack will include Leeds City Council staff and external guests and will include a mix of skills. Each group will be presented with a problem and asked to develop a two-part solution. The first is to clearly define how they have assessed the problem using data that is available and the second is to develop a solution based on this assessment. The solution may use or create open data sets. The form of that solution is it entirely in the control of each team and could be anything from an app, to a website or a service driven by public participation on social networks.

The agenda, theme and challenges for each internal hack will be developed by the Leeds Data Mill team who will ensure that you have suitable data sets to work with on the day. We will also ensure all data is released within the strict information governance guidelines and meets national and EU compliance.

We need your help to make these events a success. If you are a developer, game-designer or data analyst, and would like to participate in these hacks events, please get in touch. We can offer a fee of £150 to every participant. The hack event typically runs from 10.30am to 5.00pm.

Lunch and light refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

If you have any questions or would like to participate in a future event, you can get in touch at [email protected] or contact us on twitter @LeedsDataMill.