Sporting City Commission

Written by: Data Mill North, 02/10/2014

The challenge

Leeds has long been heralded as a sporting city, with a stronghold of supporters come rain or shine. What we are less known for however is those small community sports clubs that brave the elements every weekend without fail. We know that local clubs are already active hovering just below the radar, but how many local teams do we have in the city? Do they know about each other? Can we connect them and build a local sports community to feed the big hitting clubs in Leeds?

We want to not only map the local clubs but grow the data sets we have about them. We are looking for an easy and accessible tool that will allow local clubs to sign up with the location details and enter match statistics for every game so we build a picture of not only where there are sports clubs in Leeds, but where we might be able help and support existing activities.

The budget

As with all themed commission the budget is up to £2,000 +VAT and will be paid in full at the point if selection.

What do you need to be able to demonstrate and deliver?

  • Creativity, imagination, flair, fun and playfulness
  • Technical knowledge and know-how with some understand of how the response can either use or capture Open Data on this theme
  • Evidence of research and testing with the target audience
  • A working prototype of your idea at the end of the R&D period

The Timescale

The commission will last for two months by the end of which there should be a live prototype of your project idea.

How to apply

Complete the form, which you can download below, and return it to [email protected].

Terms & Conditions

Submissions must be received by no later than 5.30pm on Tuesday 21st October.

The Leeds Data Mill team will review all submissions and announce the successful applicant no later than Tuesday 28th October.

The decision on the final applicant is final.

Submissions will be accepted from individuals, consortiums, collaborations, organisations and any other group you can think of.

This budget is provided by Leeds City Council as an R&D fund. All IP for the final prototype will belong to the developer, consortium, company awarded the commission.

You must enjoy this challenge – it’s about being creative, exploring data and taking a few chances.

Download the application form now…