Welcome to Leeds Data Mill

Written by: Data Mill North, 06/03/2014

The Leeds Data Mill website is now live and we invite you to explore the data sets we’ve collected so far. The website will remain in perpetual beta, which is our way of saying will continue to take feedback and make changes are we progress – constantly developing.

In the coming months we’ll be sharing blog posts introducing the people, teams and organisations we’ve worked with. There is an interesting story behind every data set, so we are working with people within organisations to help them share their knowledge. We would also like to highlight the things that are created using the data, and the people behind them, so do get in touch if you’d like to highlight your work.

We’re proud of what we’ve achieved over the last three months. We are also aware that this is the very first step towards realising our vision, which put simply, is Open Everything. It is in this spirit we invite you to come onboard. There are a number of ways in which you can help – give us feedback about the datasets on the website or let us know the data sets you need for future development. If you’d like to contribute Open Data to the site (public sector, private sector, third sector, or any other sector) or have any questions, please use our contact form and we will email you back.

We  hold regular events to introduce Open Data in simple English to give people a platform to share their projects and experiments. In February we hosted Culture in Numbers which brought together developers, artists, curators, event organisers and communication staff. We had national profile organisations such as V&A and Northern Ballet as well as Leeds based entrepreneurs who are developing Curator Space. In March we are hosting a hack event, which is not just for data geeks like us. The plan is to explore the myths and reality of the quality of life in Leeds, and then design new services that can make it better.

Thank you for visiting Leeds Data Mill, we look forward to hearing from you and working with you! Best wishes from the Leeds Data Mill family.