The IoTUK Nation Database brings together a snapshot of the current state of the businesses and organisations that make up the Internet of Things sector in the UK. We've created the database using open data and the power of "the web of data" to collate and cross-reference information from a variety of sources including IotUK/Digital Catapult, Companies House, and crawling the web. There is also an interactive visualisation of this dataset.

5 files
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IoT organisations (August 2018)

Organisations identified as part of the IoT sector based on the language they used to describe themselves. An organisation is an entity that has been identified as active in the IoT space. These entities have registered addresses in the UK and could be a registered business, a government organisation, or an academic institution. Columns are:

Org ID (internal organisation ID for this database)

Latitude (degrees)

Longitude (degrees)

Address 1

Address 2



Type (ltd/plc)

Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics region 3 (nuts315cd)

NUTS region 3 label

Local authority district (lad16cd)

Local authority district label

Westminster constituency (pcon17cd)

Westminster constituency label

Standard industrial classification of economic activities codes (semi-colon separated)

Sector (string based on main SIC code)

Founding year

Size (Unknown; Micro; SME; Mid-size; Large)

Turnover category (1 – Less than £1 million; 2 - £1 to £10m; 3 - £10m - £25m; 4 - £25 - £50m; 5 - £50m - £100m; 6 - £100m - £250m; 7 - £250 - £500m; 8 - £500m+; 9 – Not Known; 10 – Not relevant (for Universities))

Organisation name

Foreign organisation?

Changes since the May 2018 release:

Added columns: NUTS3 label, local authority code, local authority label, Westminster constituency code, and Westminster constituency label

Removed columns: Project count, Funding value, Accounts type, Organisation region, Organisation REF number, Domain

File now sorted by Org ID.

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IoT organisations (August 2018)

This is a cut-down version of the CSV release of the IoTUK Nation Database ( Organisations identified as part of the IoT sector based on the language they used to describe themselves. An organisation is an entity that has been identified as active in the IoT space. These entities have registered addresses in the UK and could be a registered business, a government organisation, or an academic institution.

If you think an organisation is missing, or has wrong information, please let us know the details (

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IoT Organisations (May 2018)

This is a minor update to the April 2018 release with some additions and corrections.

Organisations identified as part of the IoT sector based on the language they used to describe themselves. An organisation is an entity that has been identified as active in the IoT space. These entities have registered addresses in the UK and could be a registered business, a government organisation, or an academic institution. Columns are:

1. Org ID (internal organisation ID for this database)

2. Latitude (degrees)

3. Longitude (degrees)

4. Address 1

5. Address 2

6. Town

7. Postcode

8. Type (ltd/plc)

9. Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) region 3

10. Standard industrial classification of economic activities codes (semi-colon separated)

11. Sector (string based on main SIC code)

12. Project count (empty)

13. Funding value (empty).

14. Founding year

15. Size (now listed as "Unknown", "Micro", "SME", "Mid size", and "Large")

16. Accounts type (full/group/small/total-exemption-small/micro-entity/dormant)

17. Turnover (1 – Less than £1 million; 2 - £1 to £10m; 3 - £10m - £25m; 4 - £25 - £50m; 5 - £50m - £100m; 6 - £100m - £250m; 7 - £250 - £500m; 8 - £500m+; 9 – Not Known; 10 – Not relevant (for Universities))

18. Organisation name

19. Organisation region

20. Organisation REF number

21. Foreign organisation?

22. Domain (empty)

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IoT organisations (April 2018)

Organisations identified as part of the IoT sector based on the language they used to describe themselves. An organisation is an entity that has been identified as active in the IoT space. These entities have registered addresses in the UK and could be a registered business, a government organisation, or an academic institution. Columns are:

Org ID (internal organisation ID for this database)

Latitude (degrees)

Longitude (degrees)

Address 1

Address 2



Type (ltd/plc)

Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) region 3

Standard industrial classification of economic activities codes (semi-colon separated)

Sector (string based on main SIC code)

Project count (empty)

Funding value (empty).

Founding year

Size (now listed as "Unknown", "Micro", "SME", "Mid size", and "Large")

Accounts type (full/group/small/total-exemption-small/micro-entity/dormant)

Turnover (1 – Less than £1 million; 2 - £1 to £10m; 3 - £10m - £25m; 4 - £25 - £50m; 5 - £50m - £100m; 6 - £100m - £250m; 7 - £250 - £500m; 8 - £500m+; 9 – Not Known; 10 – Not relevant (for Universities))

Organisation name

Organisation region

Organisation REF number

Foreign organisation?

Domain (empty)

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IoT organisations (March 2017)

Organisations identified as part of the IoT sector based on the language they used to describe themselves. An organisation is an entity that has been identified as active in the IoT space. These entities have registered addresses in the UK and could be a registered business, a government organisation, or an academic institution. Columns are:

Org ID (internal organisation ID for this database)

Latitude (degrees)

Longitude (degrees)

Address 1

Address 2



Type (ltd/plc)

Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) region 3

Standard industrial classification of economic activities codes (semi-colon separated)

Sector (string based on main SIC code)

Project count (number of IoT projects identified)

Funding value (GBP) - For some organisations we have identified the IoT-specific projects they are involved with. Where the data are available, we have included the amount of Investment provided to the organisation for those projects.

Founding year

Size (number of staff; estimated for smaller companies)

Accounts type (full/group/small/total-exemption-small/micro-entity/dormant)

Turnover (GBP) - For registered businesses, this is, where available, the total turnover of that business provided to Companies House (this will include non-IoT activity)

Organisation name

Organisation region

Organisation REF number

Foreign organisation?


Note that the first column has been renamed from "ID" to "Org ID" to stop Microsoft Excel being confused about the file type.