Leeds City Council collects information from the police about road traffic crashes where someone is injured or killed. Once analysed and validated, this is submitted to the Department for Transport. This data helps the Leeds Safe Roads Partnership (led by Leeds City Council’s ‘Influencing Travel Behaviour’ team) to direct its work efficiently and effectively in support of Vision Zero, the city’s ambition to eliminate all fatal and serious crashes by 2040.

Data currently available to the public to download from here contains the following fields:

  • crash grid reference
  • number of vehicles involved
  • date
  • time
  • road class
  • road surface description
  • lighting conditions
  • weather conditions
  • casualty information (road-user class, sex, age)
  • injury severity (slight, serious, fatal)
  • type of vehicles involved.

Information such as potential contributory factors and the police officers’ first impressions about what may have happened is not available to the public. Summary information is, however, included in the annual report about crashes and casualties on public roads in Leeds. This report is available by emailing [email protected]

How to analyse the data

To analyse the data, you can use the Department for Transport (DfT) interactive dashboard Reported road casualty statistics in Great Britain: interactive dashboard, from 2018 (dft.gov.uk)

To Find out more

You can read the Leeds Safe Roads Vision Zero 2040 Strategy and Action Plan

Get in touch by email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Subscribe to our blog: https://connecting-leeds.com

Follow us on social media: @connectingleeds

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