Newcastle City Council
Updated 9 hours ago

Monthly usage figures for online resources including databases and e-book platforms when available, for January 2005 to present. Additional information Blank means no data available In 2020, all library buildings closed from 19 March included due to the coronavirus outbreak. Resources included : description {minimum dates of subscription} What the figure is 19th Century British Library Newspapers : digital newspaper archive {May 2007 - present}...

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 14 hours ago

Land and property assets owned by Wakefield Council. Data sets will be published in September each year A full dataset version including the Geox, GeoY and UPRN derived from Ordnance Survey data can only be released for “using the data to respond to, or interact with the Licensor to deliver or support the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business” due to...

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Newcastle City Council
Added 14 hours ago

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Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 2 days ago

Information about Wakefield Council Counter Fraud work including use of powers, employees and fraud cases. Details includes: number of occasions they use powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud total number (absolute...

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Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 2 days ago

Income and expenditure on Wakefield Council's parking account. The data includes: a breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account This includes a breakdown of income and details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty Charge Notices a breakdown of how the authority has spent a surplus on its parking account, and the...

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Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 2 days ago

Under the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984, we have a statutory duty to make arrangements for the funeral of any person who has died or is found dead in the Wakefield District, where it appears that no suitable funeral arrangements have been made, or are being made. Before arranging a person’s funeral we will make enquiries as to the...

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Leeds City Council
Updated 7 days ago

This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council where a tender process has been run. Information includes title of contact, contractor, start and end dates, and estimated value. Please note We are currently unable to include the company/charity registration number as this information has never been collected. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key...

Sheffield City Council
Updated 8 days ago

Dataset showing all council owned vehicles. Fleet number Registration number Make & Model Bodywork/body manufacturer or converter User (Parks, Rangers etc)  List of vehicles disposed over the last 18 months, including the following details: Fleet number Registration number Make & Model Bodywork/body manufacturer or converter Date it was disposed How it was disposed of (auction, scrap etc.) [As of Dec 2019] Leased vehicles information

Leeds City Council
Updated 8 days ago

This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council as well as expired contracts for the previous month where no tender process has been run e.g. 3 quote process. Information includes title of contact, contractor, start and end dates, and estimated value. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local...

Sheffield City Council
Updated 9 days ago

Income and expenditure on Sheffield City Council's parking account. The data includes: This includes a breakdown of income and details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty Charge Notices a breakdown of how the authority has spent a surplus on its parking account, and the number of marked out controlled on and off-street...