A Shapefile to show the extent of the Strategic Road Network managed by Highways England and a Shapefile specifically for Area 12 (Yorkshire and Humber).
A dataset to show all Driver Location Signs on the Strategic Road Network. These marker posts are located at 100m intervals. The location is represented as P (post) 110 (kilometres from the start of the motorway) / 9 (+900 metres i.e. 110.9km from the start of the motorway) B (direction of travel, B = East to West in this instance) ...
A shapefile to show the locations of all lighting columns on the Highways England network withink Area 12 (Yorkshire and Humber). The information is compiled by our service providers and may not be complete.
A list of planned closures for Area 12 in September 2016. Dataset includes; Road Number, Closure Start Date, Closure End Date, Closure Type, Closure Description, Temporary Speed Limits, X and Y Coordinates.
Dataset to show all known motorway service areas, rest areas and truck stops. The list is not exhaustive and only contains contact details not geo referencing.
A dataset providing observed weather reports, at ten minute intervals, for the weather station at Dodworth, Barnsley, at junction 37 of the M1. Categories of observations include: Present Weather - i.e. rain or drizzle Air temperature Dew temperature Relative humidity Average wind speed Wind direction Rain state - i.e. Light precipitation Visibility Total precipitation Road surface temperature
A dataset providing a minute by minute traffic flow for Junction 37 of the M1. Traffic data is recorded via inductive loops by the MIDAS Subsystem (Motorway Incident Detection and Automatic Signalling) for those sites that have been enabled as traffic counting sites. The geographic address includes both a figure for the distance along the carriageway (e.g. 1962 = 96.2km from the start...
A dataset to show the start and end points of permanent speed limits on Highways England Strategic Road Network. The dataset contains the following heading: Road number - M62 Section - Road link Section Length - In metres Section Function Name - Main Carriageway or Slip Road Operational Area Name - i.e Area 12 - Yorkshire...
Shapefiles which show the locations of Highways England schemes for the first Roads Investment Period 2015-2020. The Roads Investment Strategy outlines the largest roads building programme in a generation. Additional information Details can be viewed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/road-investment-strategy
A dataset providing a minute by minute traffic flow for Junctions 25 to 30 of the M62. Traffic data is recorded via inductive loops by the MIDAS Subsystem (Motorway Incident Detection and Automatic Signalling) for those sites that have been enabled as traffic counting sites. The geographic address includes both a figure for the distance along the carriageway (e.g. 1962 = 96.2km...