Distribution Future Energy Scenarios Workshop
This is a public event
Open Data Institute (ODI)
3rd Floor, Munro House
Duke Street

Distribution Future Energy Scenarios Workshop

Working together to facilitate regional decarbonisation.
About this Event

Following the publication of our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES 2019) in December, we’re now seeking feedback to adjust our planning assumptions in line with our stakeholders’ own understanding of the pathways to decarbonisation.

DFES is our predictions, under four scenarios of decarbonisation pathways, of a mix of variables (such as new generation installed, volumes of electric vehicles, gains in energy efficiency, etc.) presented down to primary substation and Local Authority level. With support from ODI Leeds, we have adopted an Open Data approach and are presenting this information in the form of a PDF report, raw data, and as an interactive tool which makes it more accessible and engaging to a wider audience.

We’re now stakeholder workshops in Leeds on 6 March 2020 and in Newcastle on 13 March 2020, where you’ll be able to meet the team tasked with delivering this project and provide feedback to help inform our DFES.

Who should attend?

We’ve designed our workshops to be interactive and ‘hands on’ and so are seeking individuals who:

have intimate knowledge of their LA/LEP decarbonisation, growth, housing, and/or spatial plans;
understand the role of energy infrastructure;
may be public servants, consultants, academics, retailers, housing developers, etc
Why attend?

to share your plans on reaching Net Zero commitments (transport, energy, heat, electricity, etc.);
to share your views on the assumptions we have made in DFES 2019 and whether you think these need to change to achieve Net Zero commitments;
to help us to plan the right investment in our electricity network infrastructure to enable us to support all of the Net Zero-led initiatives in our region.
The location of the workshops does not reflect a geographical focus for the session, so don’t worry if your interest is in Yorkshire but you can only make the Newcastle session and vice versa.

If you’re not able to attend our workshops but would like to contribute, please consider completing our qualitative and quantitative feedback forms and sending them by correspondence. If you would like any information about DFES in the meantime, please contact us via [email protected]