TRANSPORT Smart Class, North of England 2019
This is a public event
ODI Leeds – The Gather
Munro House
Duke Street

TRANSPORT Smart Class, North of England 2019

TRANSPORT Smart Classes show key buyer side stakeholders how they can deploy the latest digital technology-enabled solutions, data-driven strategies and best practices to tackle their transport sector challenges (e.g. around congestion, traffic flows, air pollution and emissions, noise, first and last mile mobility, customer experience, cost effectiveness, connecting transport networks, managing and maintaining assets & infrastructure) and deliver a transport system that will allow passengers to travel efficiently, safely and with minimal impact on the environment. Delegates include commissioning, procurement, trialling and partnering leads, senior influencers and strategic decision makers from progressive city, borough, metropolitan, district and county councils; public and private transport operators/service providers; sub-regional transport bodies, combined authorities, integrated transport authorities and passenger transport executives; DfT and supporting national transport agencies; prime contractors etc. Core themes range from on-demand transport and MaaS applications, predictive traffic management, smart parking and enforcing CAZs and LEZs, to analysing people movements, new ways of visualising data, connected and autonomous vehicles, intelligent street lighting, real-time transport modelling, and smart ticketing and fare collection.

On June 20th we will be casting a spotlight over the North of England, hosting our speakers discussions on how the latest digital innovations can help overcome the transport and mobility challenges faced by city-regions of the Northern Powerhouse and beyond. Delegates will hear from industry movers, shapers and disruptors during initial rapid-fire thought leadership presentations, before moving on to in-depth consultations with experts and peers during the roundtable discussions. In addition, this Smart Class will feature up to 3 keynote presentations from ITAs, PTEs, major transport operators, agencies or local/combined authorities (senior keynote speakers from TfGM, Leeds City Council and TfN already confirmed!) giving real world insight into their collaborative initiatives, digital journeys and adoptions of emerging, transformative technologies. This half day interactive event is free to attend for bona fide delegates satisfying our registration criteria. NB. We’re delighted to confirm that TRANSPORT Smart Class, North of England 2019 has been selected as an official event for Digital Leaders Week, the most inspirational week in the UK Digital Transformation calendar!