This dataset shows all PC and laptop logins for Leeds City Council staff at all its main locations broken down hourly.

For Information

  • AP indicates Access Point, which is usually a wireless connection
  • Wireless client indicates the way the IP address connects. 

Please note

  • The number of logins are for the hour in the heading until the next hour. 
  • The dataset includes all logins on the site within the given hour, including temporary logins
  • Moving between subnets (different connections in the same building) will not result in different logins, however moving networks (different buildings), will
  • Multiple logins for the same account may occur when:
    • a device swaps between networks (e.g. for meetings) falling in separate hours
    • Logging in again after a period of time off the network

Automated update

  • This dataset is automatically updated on a nightly basis.
UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
a year ago  