Distribution Future Energy Scenarios - DFES 2019

Northern Powergrid's electricity distribution network is key to achieving decarbonisation goals in the northeast of England, Yorkshire, and parts of Lincolnshire. We are therefore presenting our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) using an open data approach. Your feedback will help us to plan our network for the future developments in our region and to deliver the services and infrastructure required to fulfil the ambitions and plans of our regional stakeholders.

Our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) 2019 show our predictions under four scenarios representing a regional interpretation of National Grid's GB Future Energy Scenarios, found here. The DFES data available below provides our forecasts down to primary substation level. We have provided a geo-spatial tool to help visualise these values both at a primary substation and Local Authority level. During the first quarter of 2020 we are seeking feedback on the forecasts presented and two feedback forms can be downloaded below. We will use your feedback to help inform our view of how we can best develop our network.

The parameters for which we are sharing our forecasts are fully explained in the DFES document downloadable below. The data itself can be downloaded on a local authority basis as well as for all of our primary electricity substations, major sites (bulk supply points), grid supply points and as an overall view for Northern Powergrid. The available data covers the following key DFES 2019 parameters:-

Low Carbon Technologies: Electric Vehicles (number); Heat Pumps (number); Domestic photovoltaic installed capacity (MW)

Energy consumption: Domestic underlying energy consumption (MWh); Industrial and commercial underlying energy consumption (MWh); Total energy consumption including electric vehicles and heat pumps (MWh)

Generation: Large solar generation installed capacity (MW); Wind generation installed capacity (MW); Other generation installed capacity (MW); Energy storage installed capacity (MW)

Electricity Demand: Peak demand at Primary Substations (MW); Peak demand with customer flexibility at Primary Substations (MW); Peak utilisation at Primary Substations (%); Peak utilisation with customer flexibility at Primary Substations (%)

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4 years ago  
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Northern Powergrid DFES 2019 Document

The Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) document presenting high level results and signposting to the open data and the visualisation tool