This dataset is a complete* view of all pollution incidents with the following attributes;

  • Covers a 5 year period (2013 - 2017 inclusive)
  • Includes classifications graded 1-3 (excludes 4)
  • Includes NIRS (national incident recording system) reference
  • Includes Grid references
  • Includes date incident occurred

*Has been subjected and qualified through PACE (police and criminal evidence) procedures, of which 4 case during this period are still under investigation and as such not included in this dataset.

The information has been released in support of our Open by Default 2020 commitment to release majority of operational and service data by the end of 2020. Further information on the objective can be found here;

Retrieved from page 14: Incidents and their classification: the Common Incident Classification Scheme (CICS) 

For each functional scheme, the environmental impact categorisation, is split into four categories:

  • Category 1 – major, serious, persistent and/or extensive impact or effect on the environment, people and/or property
  • Category 2 – significant impact or effect on the environment, people and/or property
  • Category 3 – minor or minimal impact or effect on the environment, people and/or property
  • Category 4 – substantiated incident with no impact. Assign the impact category corresponding to the highest criteria selected. The potential impact category assigned informs the response time required (refer to incident management service levels).
Open Data Commons Attribution License
Last Update
6 years ago  