Leeds City Council publishes details of all officers earning over £50,000, including the top three tiers of its senior management. The top three tiers are regarded as the Chief Executive, Directors, and Chief Officers who report to a Director.

If you have any queries relating to this dataset or wish to get in touch with one of the senior officers in the council, please email [email protected] in the first instance.

Please note

There are occasions where payment is made to individuals which may cross the ceiling threshold, where one of the following reasons may apply:

  • Temporary payment (honoraria) for taking on extra duties or project work for short periods.
  • One off payments connected with leaving employment under our Voluntary Leaver Scheme.
  • This dataset will be updated in September in line with the publication of the council's annual Statement of Accounts.

Please also note that the Chief Executive takes a voluntary reduction to his salary.

Local Government Transparency Code 2015

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
7 months ago  