A dataset providing the background, list of solutions and outcome for the age friendly innovation lab - Community safety

The lab was held on Friday 2nd October 2015 and commissioned by Adult social care, Leeds City Council. 

Development question

How can we use technology to spot and report signs of social Isolation in our communities and neighbourhoods? This could be an app, effective use of data or a hardware device.


CareView, developed by Radek Rudnicki has been developed as a proof of concept. It has also been deployed in a community pilot and with case studies of how it can impact the lives of Leeds’ citizens. 

Find out more

To find out about urban sustainability labs click on the following link: http://sustainabledevelopmentlab.com/

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
8 years ago  
3 files
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CareviewOct 2015

Community safety

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The people networkOct 2015

Community safety