In May 2017 council's from across the North of England came together to participate in three Local Government Association (LGA) funded Innovation Lab-style workshops in Newcastle, Leeds and Stockport, to focus on promoting healthy lifestyles.  Technologists worked alongside service providers and service users and created a number of prototype solutions, some of which can be found here.

The winner was Leeds-based Imactivate Ltd. who produced What's About? which enables users to plot a detailed walking route to services in their locality.  The user can also switch on points of interest such as blue plaques, along the way.  This is a prototype solution and we'd been keen to know what you think - get in touch with us at [email protected].

Innovation Lab dates

  • Leeds - Thursday 27th April 2017
  • Stockport - Friday 12th May 2017
  • Newcastle - Tuesday 16th May 2017

The brief

As a nation we’re living longer, but not necessarily healthier lives.  As a result, services are struggling to cope with rising healthcare costs.  We want to reframe the discussion around health and active lifestyles and explore innovative and affordable solutions that will enable our older citizens to live independently for longer within their communities.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
6 years ago  
8 files
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Stockport: Moving and Minds

Healthy and active lifestyles

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Stockport: LINK UP

Healthy and active lifestyles

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Stockport: Happi@Home

Healthy and active lifestyles

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Leeds: Walk with Me

Healthy and active lifestyles

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Leeds: Walk and Talk

Healthy and active lifestyles

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Leeds: Data Standard

Healthy and active lifestyles

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Leeds: What's About?

Healthy and active lifestyles