Data files that contain every fine issued for vehicles not having a valid parking ticket whilst in car parks. The data contains date, time, location, fine issued, discount available, and total paid.
Local Government Transparency Code 2015
Additional Info
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic there were no enforcements issued from 24/03/2020 to 17/06/2020.
- Please note, from Quarter 3 2014/15, data on off street fines (car park fines) has been divided in to a fines issued dataset and fines paid dataset.
- Also, note the paid data may show fines issued outside the dated quarter but paid within the quarter.
- Issued - Date PCN was issued
- Fine - Initial full charge (does not include surcharges)
- Surcharges - If full payment not made within 56 days from the date the notice is issued the charge is further increased by 50% of the Initial charge. If the payment is still not made, within a further 14 days then a further charge may be applied if the case is registered at court.
- Charge level - H = High at £70.00/£35.00 discount. L = Low at £50.00/£25.00 discount.
- Discount - the charge if payment made within 14 days.
- Balance Amount outstanding at date of sample. A negative balance means an overpayment.