Newcastle City Council believes it is important to be open about how we spend money. Each month we will publish a list of all payments we make which are over £250 (including VAT), showing who we paid, how much we paid, and what this was for. Note that prior to october 2012, published payments included those over £500.

This will include:

  • All items we purchase
  • Payments we make to contractors carrying out work on our behalf.
  • Other spend we incur in carrying out our business.

What will be excluded:

  • Payments made to staff.
  • Housing benefit payments.
  • Sensative social services information whixh could put vulnerable individuals at risk.
  • Personal information, such as the names of individuals receiving payments.
  • Confidential information, such as council tax or business rate refund.

We will regularly review the way we classify information to make sure that the process is as accurate as possible.

Relevant Committee reports

These are provided at the bottom with the rest of our reports.

Monthly spending reports

The reports are available in both comma delimited format (CSV) and portable format (PDF) and are listed by month below. There are a number of supplier names within the attached documents where the name has been replaced by the following text, 'Redacted Personal Data'. This follows government guidlines where a payment has been made to an individual but the publication of the individuals name may contravene the data protection act. Examples of these types of payments include (but are not limited to) adult social care payments and payments to foster carers.

UK Open Government Licence
Last Update
7 years ago  
164 files
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2013 - 2014Feb 2017

Audit committee annual report to council

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2013 - 2014Feb 2017

Standards committee annual report to council

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December 2016Feb 2017

Payment report

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December 2016Feb 2017

Payment report

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November 2016Feb 2017

Payment report November 2016

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November 2016Feb 2017

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October 2016Feb 2017

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September 2016Feb 2017

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September 2016Feb 2017

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August 2016Feb 2017

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August 2016Feb 2017

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July 2016Feb 2017

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July 2016Feb 2017

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June 2016Feb 2017

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June 2016Feb 2017

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May 2016Feb 2017

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May 2016Feb 2017

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April 2016Feb 2017

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April 2016Feb 2017

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March 2016Feb 2017

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March 2016Feb 2017

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February 2016Feb 2017

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February 2016Feb 2017

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January 2016Feb 2017

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January 2016Feb 2017

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December 2015Feb 2017

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December 2015Feb 2017

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November 2015Feb 2017

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November 2015Feb 2017

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October 2015Feb 2017

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October 2015Feb 2017

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September 2015Feb 2017

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September 2015Feb 2017

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August 2015Feb 2017

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August 2015Feb 2017

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July 2015Feb 2017

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July 2015Feb 2017

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June 2015Feb 2017

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June 2015Feb 2017

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May 2015Feb 2017

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May 2015Feb 2017

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April 2015Feb 2017

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April 2015Feb 2017

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March 2015Feb 2017

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March 2015Feb 2017

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February 2015Feb 2017

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February 2015Feb 2017

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January 2015Feb 2017

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January 2015Feb 2017

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December 2014Feb 2017

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December 2014Feb 2017

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November 2014Feb 2017

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November 2014Feb 2017

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October 2014Feb 2017

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October 2014Feb 2017

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September 2014Feb 2017

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September 2014Feb 2017

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August 2014Feb 2017

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August 2014Feb 2017

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July 2014Feb 2017

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July 2014Feb 2017

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June 2014Feb 2017

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June 2014Feb 2017

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May 2014Feb 2017

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May 2014Feb 2017

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April 2014Feb 2017

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April 2014Feb 2017

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March 2014Feb 2017

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March 2014Feb 2017

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February 2014Feb 2017

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February 2014Feb 2017

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January 2014Feb 2017

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January 2014Feb 2017

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December 2013Feb 2017

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December 2013Feb 2017

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November 2013Feb 2017

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November 2013Feb 2017

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October 2013Feb 2017

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October 2013Feb 2017

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September 2013Feb 2017

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September 2013Feb 2017

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August 2013Feb 2017

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August 2013Feb 2017

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July 2013Feb 2017

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July 2013Feb 2017

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June 2013Feb 2017

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June 2013Feb 2017

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May 2013Feb 2017

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May 2013Feb 2017

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April 2013Feb 2017

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April 2013Feb 2017

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March 2013Feb 2017

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March 2013Feb 2017

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February 2013Feb 2017

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February 2013Feb 2017

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January 2013Feb 2017

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January 2013Feb 2017

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December 2012Feb 2017

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December 2012Feb 2017

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November 2012Feb 2017

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November 2012Feb 2017

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October 2012Feb 2017

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October 2012Feb 2017

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September 2012Feb 2017

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September 2012Feb 2017

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August 2012Feb 2017

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August 2012Feb 2017

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July 2012Feb 2017

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July 2012Feb 2017

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June 2012Feb 2017

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June 2012Feb 2017

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May 2012Feb 2017

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May 2012Feb 2017

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April 2012Feb 2017

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April 2012Feb 2017

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March 2012Feb 2017

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March 2012Feb 2017

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February 2012Feb 2017

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February 2012Feb 2017

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January 2012Feb 2017

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January 2012Feb 2017

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December 2011Feb 2017

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December 2011Feb 2017

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November 2011Feb 2017

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November 2011Feb 2017

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October 2011Feb 2017

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October 2011Feb 2017

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September 2011Feb 2017

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September 2011Feb 2017

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August 2011Feb 2017

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August 2011Feb 2017

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July 2011Feb 2017

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July 2011Feb 2017

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June 2011Feb 2017

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June 2011Feb 2017

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May 2011Feb 2017

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May 2011Feb 2017

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April 2011Feb 2017

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April 2011Feb 2017

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March 2011Feb 2017

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March 2011Feb 2017

Payment report

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February 2011Feb 2017

Payment report

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February 2011Feb 2017

Payment report

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January 2011Feb 2017

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January 2011Feb 2017

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December 2010Feb 2017

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December 2010Feb 2017

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November 2010Feb 2017

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November 2010Feb 2017

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October 2010Feb 2017

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October 2010Feb 2017

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September 2010Feb 2017

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September 2010Feb 2017

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August 2010Feb 2017

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August 2010Feb 2017

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July 2010Feb 2017

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July 2010Feb 2017

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June 2010Feb 2017

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June 2010Feb 2017

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May 2010Feb 2017

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May 2010Feb 2017

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April 2010Feb 2017

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April 2010Feb 2017

Payment report