Leeds City Council
Updated 9 months ago

Leeds City Council publishes details of all officers earning over £50,000, including the top three tiers of its senior management. The top three tiers are regarded as the Chief Executive, Directors, and Chief Officers who report to a Director. If you have any queries relating to this dataset or wish to get in touch with one of the senior officers in...

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

The council publishes salary information showing the ratios between the lowest and highest paid employees. Please note The median is the middle salary when all salaries have been sorted into ascending order. Salaries of part time staff are treated at the full time equivalent pay. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local...

Leeds City Council
Updated 6 years ago

Non-confidential council waste. Shows card and general waste by month and year. Data is listed by directorate, council building and bin type. PLEASE NOTE Weight is in tonnes

Leeds City Council
Updated 6 years ago

Data showing skips usage across services in the council. Information includes type of waste disposed of, quantity and weight (in tonnes). Please note This information is supplied by the contractor and in some cases may be incomplete. The 2008/9 dataset is incomplete and only covers April to December. Due to a change in supplier no data exists between April 2015 to August 2015

Leeds City Council
Updated 6 years ago

Confidential waste by council building, date and amount. The council is undergoing a programme of reviewing its records therefore the data may show spikes in disposal. The contract with who disposes of this data was changed in June 2013 which is why there is a difference in what data is supplied post this date. Please note Information here is that...

Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

A dataset providing the number and weight of items collected under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive from council locations.  The category definition file provides a list of products that fall under each of the 10 categories. The list is not exhaustive but shows examples of the type of products included in the broader categories. Additional information This dataset will next...