Social Housing Picker

Produced by: Tom Forth, ODI Associate
Find out more: DataWebsite

The Social Housing Picker is an easy-to-use and intuitive website which helps customers who are applying for council houses to see how long it may take them to be rehoused based on their particular circumstances*.

It shows the average number of weeks to be rehoused by council ward area based on historic customer lettings data and can assist customers to make informed choices when placing bids for social houses on Leeds City Council’s Leeds Homes website.

This is a BETA site and it would be great to get your feedback on what works and what doesn’t.  Contact us via Twitter (@DataMillNorth), email us [email protected] or get in touch via our Contact Us page.

PLEASE NOTE: The results are only a guide and do not guarantee that you will be rehoused in this period of time. Leeds City Council cannot accept any responsibility for the outcome of decisions made by an applicant based on the information provided on the Social Housing Picker website.