What’s About?

Produced by: Imactivate
Find out more: Website

In May 2017 council’s from across the North of England came together to participate in three Local Government Association (LGA) funded Innovation Lab-style workshops in Newcastle, Leeds and Stockport, to focus on promoting healthy lifestyles.  Technologists worked alongside service providers and service users and created a number of prototype solutions, some of which can be found here > https://datamillnorth.org/dataset/healthy-and-active-lifestyles

The winner was Leeds-based Imactivate Ltd. who produced What’s About? which enables users to plot a detailed walking route to services in their locality.  The user can also switch on points of interest such as blue plaques, along the way.  This is a prototype solution and we’d been keen to know what you think – get in touch with us at [email protected].