Geographic CoverageLeeds city region
Leeds City Council
Updated 2 days ago

The Housing in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence record shows if a landlord has been issued with a HMO licence for his/her property and the expiry date of the licence. New licence applications will not appear on the list until they have been processed and issued. Landlords of properties issued with HMO licences must display a copy of their licence in a...

Leeds City Council
Updated 9 days ago

Information on funerals organised by Leeds City Council due to circumstances such as no traceable next of kin, next of kin unable or prepared to organise or no-one able/available to fund the funeral. Dataset guidance Column 1: Postcode of area of the last known address of the deceased. Column 2: Date of death. Column 3: Total cost of...

Leeds City Council
Updated 2 months ago

This dataset provides details of planning enforcement breaches sorted by postcode, along with the date the report was received, the nature of the report and the reason the enforcement case was closed. Any New notices served from 1 April 2023 are available on Public Access.

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Leeds City Council
Updated 2 months ago

The government recommends that local authorities publish expenditure over £500 and all expenditure made on purchasing cards. As of January 2014 and in line with our commitment to openness and transparency we will now be publishing ALL transactions (note; areas may be redacted as they may be commercially sensitive or there may be data protection issues). Local Government Transparency Code 2015 ...

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

This data set shows the number of preferences made to each Primary School in Leeds for reception and junior school places.

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

Litter bin locations showing council bin id number and Easting and Northing.

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Leeds City Council
Updated 7 months ago

‘The ‘My Health, My School’ (MHMS) annual school survey is a free on-line pupil survey available for pupils in Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 as well as for pupils attending any Specialist Inclusive Learning Centres (SILCs) and post-16 settings in Leeds. The survey gathers important pupil perception data and measures health behaviours contributing to school improvement by providing...

Leeds City Council
Updated 7 months ago

A dataset which shows the Fixed Penalty Notices for littering issued by 3GS who are contracted by Leeds City Council. FPNs for littering issued by Council officers can be found /dataset/fixed-penalty-notices

Leeds City Council
Added 8 months ago

Boundary of Leeds City Centre as defined by Leeds City Council Policy and Plans Team

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Leeds 2023
Updated 2 years ago

Daily analytical data of Leeds 2023's social media accounts: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, obtained from Sprout Social, starting from 2021. Note that daily "audience" data in only available from March 2022. Visualisations of the data can be found on the Leeds 2023 data microsite. This dataset has been published under the following license: CC-BY 4.0