SubjectHealth well-being and care
Leeds City Council
Updated a month ago

Information on funerals organised by Leeds City Council due to circumstances such as no traceable next of kin, next of kin unable or prepared to organise or no-one able/available to fund the funeral. Dataset guidance Column 1: Postcode of area of the last known address of the deceased. Column 2: Date of death. Column 3: Total cost of...

Leeds City Council
Updated 8 months ago

‘The ‘My Health, My School’ (MHMS) annual school survey is a free on-line pupil survey available for pupils in Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 as well as for pupils attending any Specialist Inclusive Learning Centres (SILCs) and post-16 settings in Leeds. The survey gathers important pupil perception data and measures health behaviours contributing to school improvement by providing...

Leeds City Council
Updated a year ago

Data set of Neighbourhood network schemes in Leeds who support people aged over 50 by providing activities, friendship groups and opportunities to socialise.

Leeds City Council
Updated a year ago

Directly Age Standardised Mortality Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates can then be compared for different areas, or even across area types. Attention should be given to upper and lower 95% confidence intervals as a quick method of determining whether rates could overlap...

Leeds City Council
Updated a year ago

Frailty Definition In Leeds, we use the Electronic Frailty Index to decide which level of frailty people fall within.  Some guidance notes can be found here together with a definition of the frailty levels. In all worksheets numbers less than 6 have been suppressed. Cells with * represent suppressed numbers. Worksheet 1: Frailty levels in Leeds People aged 65 and over, mild, moderate and severe frailty, broken...

Leeds City Council
Updated a year ago

Directly Age Standardised Rates (DASR) per 100,000. Age standardised rates compensate for differing age structures by weighting them to meet the European Standard Population (2013). Rates can then be compared for different areas, or even across area types. Attention should be given to upper and lower 95% confidence intervals as a quick method of determining whether rates could overlap or...

Leeds City Council
Updated a year ago

Life expectancy in years (3 year averages). Attention should be given to upper and lower 95% confidence intervals as a quick method of determining whether expectancies could overlap or are significantly different. Source: ONS mortality and ONS mid year estimate populations.

Leeds City Council
Updated a year ago

Leeds GP registered patients living inside Leeds. Counts per 5 year ageband for MSOAs, Wards, Community Committees, and Leeds.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of One Point Service Hub locations from which services to children and families are co-ordinated, managed and delivered within Durham. Please see One Point family centres and hubs - Durham County Council for more information.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of family centres (formerley children's centres) within Durham for children aged under five and their families. Please see One Point family centres and hubs - Durham County Council for more information.