MastheadDurham County Council
Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 and the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 require all local planning authorities in England to prepare and maintain registers of brownfield land that is suitable for residential development. The sites included in this register need to be available for development in the next 10 years, capable...

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Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of One Point Service Hub locations from which services to children and families are co-ordinated, managed and delivered within Durham. Please see One Point family centres and hubs - Durham County Council for more information.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of family centres (formerley children's centres) within Durham for children aged under five and their families. Please see One Point family centres and hubs - Durham County Council for more information.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

A spatial dataset of public conveniences in Durham. Not all are maintained by Durham County Council.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Known public rights of way in County Durham

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of public libraries owned by Durham County Council.  To find out more about public libraries click on the following link:

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

A spatial dataset showing Durham County Council's Household Waste Recycling Centres There is a statutory obligation under the Environment Protection Act 1990, section 51, 1b which states that: (1) It shall be the duty of each waste disposal authority to arrange (b) for places to be provided at which persons resident in its area may deposit their household waste and for...

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of public leisure centres, which are owned by Durham County Council.  Further information To find out more about leisure centres, click on the following link

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of park and ride sites in County Durham. Please see for more information.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

A spatial dataset of fixed and mobile air quality monitors. Please see for more information.