Content TypeDatasets
MastheadOpen Innovations
Open Innovations
Updated a year ago

A compiled list of warm space offers from over 100 directories created by local authorities and community organisations. The data is web-scraped. Leeds City Council also provide a dataset on warm spaces in Leeds. Note: This is a processed dataset derived from official published sources. It may contain alterations, aggregations or cleaned-up versions of data published elsewhere. Please note, this...

Open Innovations
Added 2 years ago

You may not think of websites as sources of carbon emissions but they are. Data centres, transmission networks, and the devices we use to access them all use electricity which, in turn, produces carbon emissions. When your website has lots of visitors that can easily add up. We've used the Website Carbon Calculator code (created by Wholegrain Digital) to assess...

Open Innovations
Updated 2 years ago

Leeds City Centre hourly footfall data derived from Leeds City Council. Each file represents a different counter/camera, with one row per day and one column per hour. This format requires less storage and is more suitable for web visualisations. The data published by Leeds City Council has some issues eg. missing data between certain date ranges. These are documented in "issues.csv"....

Open Innovations
Added 4 years ago

Open Plaques is a community-based project which catalogues, curates, and promotes commemorative plaques and historical markers (often blue and round) installed on buildings and landmarks throughout the world. The service brings the history that plaques encapsulate to life - and to a larger audience - by building the definitive and most comprehensive resource about these historical markers. Anyone who has found a...

Open Innovations
Updated 6 years ago

The IoTUK Nation Database brings together a snapshot of the current state of the businesses and organisations that make up the Internet of Things sector in the UK. We've created the database using open data and the power of "the web of data" to collate and cross-reference information from a variety of sources including IotUK/Digital Catapult, Companies House, and crawling...

Open Innovations
Added 6 years ago

GeoJSON files created daily from Open Street Map. The data are split into the following main categories: amenities buildings landusage leisure natural railways roads waterways Within each category, the types assigned in the raw data are used to further split the data into separate GeoJSON files. We also provide breakdowns for Leeds, Bradford,...

Open Innovations
Added 7 years ago

Note that this dataset only provides the derived geography of each energy performance certificate (EPC) within Leeds. Each EPC has Eastings/Northings, LSOA ID, and Ward ID. There is a separate dataset containing the environmental data for each EPC in a separate dataset with a more open licence. Full documentation can be found in the other dataset. Both datasets can be...

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Open Innovations
Added 7 years ago

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) publishes EPC data, licenced under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0., providing information on the energy performance of buildings to help contribute towards the Government’s climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas emission reduction policies. The certificates detail data for each property’s current and potential performance for a number of indicators; the...

Open Innovations
Added 7 years ago

Investment in Northern Tech has soared in the three months to March 2017, with £116.2 million of finance supporting the region. Capital flows have increased 1,303 percent compared to the equivalent period in 2016, and represent the best Q1 investment period since 2007. This is data from the Tech North Investment Index Q1 report appendix. Note: This is a processed dataset derived...

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Open Innovations
Updated 8 years ago

The 2014 Tech Nation report identified 463 digital businesses in Leeds. Following this report, work was completed by DataCity Leeds, in partnership with ODI Leeds & Bloom Agency to make a more complete data set on behalf of the Leeds City Region. Over 3,500 digital businesses were identified in Leeds and a total of 8,500 across the region. This is...