Geographic CoverageLeeds metropolitan district
Leeds City Council
Updated 11 days ago

This dataset shows complaints of noise nuisance made to Leeds City Council using the noise nuisance reporting process. There is more information about the noise nuisance reporting process on the Leeds City Council website, For Information All records contained in the data files contain postcodes provided by the reporting person and exclude anonymous or incomplete service requests. Please note Commercial noise...

Leeds City Council
Updated 16 days ago

This data set shows the procurement pipeline for Leeds City Council.

Leeds City Council
Updated 22 days ago

Information on all business who pay business rates in Leeds. Information includes business name, rateable value and full postal address. For a visualisation of the information contained in this data set please visit Open Innovations Information Individuals who are registered and work from their home address have been removed for data protection purposes. After Friday 27th October 2017, the business...

Leeds City Council
Updated 23 days ago

Dataset showing all instances of overseas travel by Leeds City Council officers and councillors. The dataset shows places visited and the associated travel costs. On some occasions these costs were met by other organisations or bodies. Please note Lower ranking council officers have had their names redacted Instances of repatriation are listed, though details of city/town are redacted to protect the identity of those affected

Leeds City Council
Updated 25 days ago

This dataset shows outside market stalls data for Leeds city, Yeadon, Pudsey and Otley. Information includes number of stalls available, how many empty stalls there were on trading days and whether these stalls were offered at a reduced rate. Information Data starts on 01/04/2002 and is updated monthly.

Leeds City Council
Updated a month ago

This shortened online list shows if a landlord has been issued with a Selective Licence for his/her property and the expiry date of the licence. New licence applications will not appear on the register until they have been processed and issued. Similarly, licences that are no longer in force will not appear on the register. It is an offence for a person...

Leeds City Council
Updated 2 months ago

This dataset shows information on development sites which contribute to the housing land supply in Leeds. These figures relate only to the supply of housing units on allocated sites and those with planning permission. It provides details on the size of sites, numbers of dwellings per site and whether the land is brownfield or greenfield. Dataset guidance ...

Leeds City Council
Added 2 months ago

A link to various health and wellbeing datasets hosted on the Leeds Observatory.

Leeds City Council
Updated 2 months ago

Dataset showing all councillor travel expenses booked via the council's current travel contract (Click Travel). The information shows date of travel, councillor, type of travel and cost. Please note Date indicates travel date, not booking date Domestic travel only (some of which may be part of an international journey, e.g. train to airport) Only includes expenses through the...

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

This data is Leeds City Council's social housing property lets through its Choice Based Lettings scheme. Column descriptions Property ID- Choice Based Lettings ID Street Number- Street Number of the property which was let Address 1- Address line 1 of the property which was let Address 2- Address line 2 of the property which was let Address 3- Address line 3 of the property which was let Post...