Service AreaFlood prevention
Leeds City Council
Updated a year ago

Effective, well maintained grids and inlets to culverts are an essential flood prevention measure. The Flood Risk Management section implements a maintenance schedule, clearing grids of debris at specific 'hot-spots'. These datasets show the schedule for clearing these grids and the actual dates when clearance took place. Information The common unique identifier for both datasets is 'Grid_ID'.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This flooding grants dataset shows grants awarded to businesses affected by the Christmas 2015 floods in Leeds. Businesses can apply for two grants as detailed below. Each line represents a single grant awarded to a business. Grant types Relief grants help businesses get back up and running after being affected by the flooding. Resilience grants help businesses install preventative flood risk...

Environment Agency
Added 5 years ago

This flood related impact (i.e a specific part of a road flooding) dataset was made available for the ODI Impact Hack 16/17July 2019. It is subject to change as it is work in progress. The Environment Agency aims to make this data open in due course as a valuable asset alongside flood warning and river level information. This data will shortly be released...

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Leeds City Council
Updated 6 years ago

This dataset shows rainfall data from 6 rain gauges located at various locations across the city. Please note The siting of the gauges is not to Met Office standards (e.g.. maybe too close to a wall), which may not give an entirely accurate reflection of rainfall. The exact location of these gauges is not released. Measurements are in millilitres. ...

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains details of Environment Agency Flood Zones within the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport.

Environment Agency
Updated 7 years ago

The Environment Agency flood-monitoring API provides developers with access to real time information covering: flood warnings and flood alerts flood areas which to which warnings or alerts apply forecast of flood risks over the next three days measurements of water levels and flows information on the monitoring stations providing those measurements Attribution: If you make use...

Environment Agency
Updated 8 years ago

This dataset and supporting document provides useful information to be able to easily access relevant flooding open data made available by DEFRA.

Leeds City Council
Added 8 years ago

A dataset highlighting properties affected by the recent flooding in the Leeds region broken down by postcode sector. Please note Properties described as flats may have partially flooded but each property would be logged individually. Some locations do not have a postcode sector, this may be due to the property being a parent shell, playing field, sports ground, allotment or the land is...