TopicBusiness and Economy
Leeds City Council
Updated 15 hours ago

This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council where a tender process has been run. Information includes title of contact, contractor, start and end dates, and estimated value. Please note We are currently unable to include the company/charity registration number as this information has never been collected. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key...

Leeds City Council
Updated 16 days ago

This data set shows the procurement pipeline for Leeds City Council.

Leeds City Council
Updated 23 days ago

Dataset showing all instances of overseas travel by Leeds City Council officers and councillors. The dataset shows places visited and the associated travel costs. On some occasions these costs were met by other organisations or bodies. Please note Lower ranking council officers have had their names redacted Instances of repatriation are listed, though details of city/town are redacted to protect the identity of those affected

Leeds City Council
Updated 25 days ago

This dataset shows outside market stalls data for Leeds city, Yeadon, Pudsey and Otley. Information includes number of stalls available, how many empty stalls there were on trading days and whether these stalls were offered at a reduced rate. Information Data starts on 01/04/2002 and is updated monthly.

Leeds City Council
Updated a month ago

There are 8 cameras located at various locations around the city centre monitoring numbers of people walking past. These cameras calculate numbers on an hourly basis. This data can help identify footfall trends in the city centre and helps city centre management. Recently the camera names have been changed to reflect clearly where they are located due to some location...

Leeds City Council
Updated a month ago

The Housing in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence record shows if a landlord has been issued with a HMO licence for his/her property and the expiry date of the licence. New licence applications will not appear on the list until they have been processed and issued. Landlords of properties issued with HMO licences must display a copy of their licence in a...

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated a month ago

Business Rates (National Non-Domestic Rates) are a Government tax on all commercial property.  Business Rates are payable on most non-domestic property. If a property is used both for living accommodation and running a business, for example a public house or a shop with a flat above, then both Council Tax and Business Rates will normally be payable. This open dataset is...

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Leeds City Council
Updated a month ago

This dataset lists all contracts currently in place with Leeds City Council as well as expired contracts for the previous month where no tender process has been run e.g. 3 quote process. Information includes title of contact, contractor, start and end dates, and estimated value. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local...

Leeds City Council
Updated 2 months ago

This dataset shows information on development sites which contribute to the housing land supply in Leeds. These figures relate only to the supply of housing units on allocated sites and those with planning permission. It provides details on the size of sites, numbers of dwellings per site and whether the land is brownfield or greenfield. Dataset guidance ...

Sheffield City Council
Updated 2 months ago

List of the properties in Sheffield subject to business rates. The dataset includes: Property Reference Number, Full Property Address, NDR Analysis Code Description, NDR Code, Rateable Value. This is a redacted dataset and does not include: Liable Party Name, Property Status (Occupied or Vacant), Rate Relief, or Credit Balances. The Council has applied sections 31, 40 and 41 of the...

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