Leeds 2023
Updated 2 years ago

Daily analytical data of Leeds 2023's social media accounts: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, obtained from Sprout Social, starting from 2021. Note that daily "audience" data in only available from March 2022. Visualisations of the data can be found on the Leeds 2023 data microsite. This dataset has been published under the following license: CC-BY 4.0

Leeds City Council
Added 2 years ago

Data for approved Warm Spaces in Leeds can be found via the Warm Spaces app. To access the CSV file select a location on the map. This will perform a spatial search defaulting to a 5km buffer around the location selected. To increase the size of the spatial search to include the whole of Leeds change the maximum search from...

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of One Point Service Hub locations from which services to children and families are co-ordinated, managed and delivered within Durham. Please see One Point family centres and hubs - Durham County Council for more information.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of family centres (formerley children's centres) within Durham for children aged under five and their families. Please see One Point family centres and hubs - Durham County Council for more information.

Leeds 2023
Updated 2 years ago

Data regarding Ballot Entries for the opening show "The Awakening". Entrants are asked to submit a piece artwork for a chance of winning four free tickets to the event. The date of entry, type of artwork submitted, age range of the entrant, and ward of residence of the entrant (if provided) have been recorded. Visualisations of the data can be found...

Leeds 2023
Updated 2 years ago

Data about Leeds 2023 volunteers extracted from the Rosterfy volunteer management system which tracks all activity related to volunteering. Visualisations of the data can be found on the Leeds 2023 data microsite. This dataset has been published under the following license: CC-BY 4.0

Leeds 2023
Updated 2 years ago

Data about Leeds 2023 Roadshow attendances. Dataset contains two tables, "Attendances" shows how many people were counted at each individual event, "Attendance and Communication Sign ups Forms summary" shows daily records of attendance and communication sign ups. Communication sign ups are forms that were filled out by people, who explicitly consented to receive further communications from Leeds 2023, after attending a...

Leeds 2023
Updated 2 years ago

Data about the My World, My City, My Neighbourhood project delivered by Leeds 2023. Visualisations and further explanation of the data can be found on the Leeds 2023 data microsite. This dataset has been published under the following license: CC-BY 4.0

Sheffield City Council
Updated 2 years ago

Leeds City Council
Added 2 years ago

Links to useful data sets for the Hack for Good, part of Leeds Digital Festival 2022. Mortality rates: Public Health data - Mortality rates Leeds - Data Mill North GP recorded conditions: Public Health data - GP recorded conditions Leeds - Data Mill North Life expectancy: Life Expectancy in Leeds (3 year averages) - Data Mill North Registered populations: GP registered populations...