Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of all council managed surveillance camera CCTV locations across Durham. Covert and re-deployable camera locations are not shown for operational and legal reasons. Schools and colleges are not included. Please see https://www.durham.gov.uk/article/2754/Accessing-your-personal-data for more information.

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Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of diffusion tubes used to assess the levels of nitrogen dioxide at road or near to the roadside within Durham. Please see https://www.durham.gov.uk/airquality for more information.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of public street lighting columns owned and maintained by Durham County Council. Please see https://www.durham.gov.uk/article/2380/Street-lighting-and-illuminated-traffic-signs for more information.

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Location of salt bins in Durham.  To find out more about salt bins, visit: https://www.durham.gov.uk/saltbins

Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of state funded schools in Durham, including academies. Please see https://www.durham.gov.uk/education for more information.

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Durham County Council
Updated 2 years ago

Spatial dataset of Durham County Council managed traffic web camera locations. Please see https://www.durham.gov.uk/trafficcameras for more information.

Luminate Education Group
Updated 3 years ago

This Data Set shows the workforce diversity of Leeds City College

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

This dataset shows where fixed penalty notices have been issued by Leeds City Council. It shows the amount of fine issued, how much was paid or whether it was cancelled. Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) are served when offenders fail to comply with a notice that has been served, e.g. waste in gardens, fly-tipping, littering, dog fouling etc. Fines are either served on...

University of Leeds
Updated 3 years ago

This data set shows the diversity workforce profile of the University

Leeds City Council
Added 3 years ago

The Leeds City Council (LCC) workforce data featured on this page is specifically formatted - including category groupings and abbreviated column headings - for the purpose of the Leeds Diversity Dashboard. Please refer to the main workforce profile of Leeds City Council page on Data Mill North for all purposes other than the Leeds Diversity Dashboard - Workforce profile of Leeds...

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