Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

A dataset to show the traffic light crossing points in Leeds giving road name, postcode, easting and northing. The data consists of road junctions which contain signalled crossing points. signalled crossings which can consist of pedestrian crossings including Pelicans, Puffins, Toucans and One-can crossings Additional Information For more information on pedestrian crossings please visit:  https://www.gov.uk/using-the-road-159-to-203/pedestrian-crossings-191-to-199

Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

The Arts Development Team runs a funding scheme and a programme of cultural events throughout the year. Our aim is to: CREATE opportunities for local people to take part in the cultural life of the city; SUPPORT local artists and arts organisations working in communities; and ...

University of Leeds
Added 4 years ago

Temperature and Humidity of Urban Canyons in the vicinity of Roger Stevens Cooling Pond, Leeds The early portion of this dataset was peer-reviewed and published Peterson, EL, Iuorio, O , Berretta, C, Hassall, C, and Cooper, T. (2018). "Transition Engineering Urban Canyons - Roger Stevens Cooling Pond Case Study Leeds, UK". In: International Sustainable Ecological Engineering Design for Society (SEEDS) Conference 2018...

Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

This dataset is no longer updated. For details of public conveniences managed by Leeds City Council please visit the Council Land and Building Assets dataset. This dataset shows a list of public conveniences in Leeds. The list contains those toilets mainly managed by Leeds City Council however we would like to...

Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

List of council-owned advertising sites.

Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

The following dataset shows a list of open and closed cemeteries and the crematoria maintianed by Leeds City Council, including the Latitiude and Longitude coordinates. Additional Information Please note this dataset is reviewed annually though may only be updated periodically. For further information regarding cemeteries and cremetoria please visit http://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/Pages/Cemeteries-and-Crematoria.aspx

Posted 4 years ago

24 January 2020, 9:00am – 12:30pm ODI Leeds, Leeds #OpenDataSavesLives is all about using a #RadicallyOpen approach in health and social care to create an environment where collaboration and innovation happens in the open, with open data at the heart of it, and with easy access for anyone to join in when they are ready. It will use an ‘unconference’ style format where...

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This data set provides the number, location and reference of Tree Preservation Orders in Leeds. The second data set provides further details of each TPO including the number and type of trees the TPO covers. This is an automated data set.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This data shows the number of tickets sold by the City Centre Box Office for all ticketed Carriageworks Theatre events between the dates indicated. Further information Visit the Carriageworks Theatre website at www.carriageworkstheatre.co.uk

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

Data set showing Council Housing Stock, including sold and demolished dwellings.