Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This dataset provides details of the number of visitors to the Leeds International Film Festival and their locations. Please note The postcodes provided are for the individual customers who purchased tickets in advance through Box Office. It should be noted that these customers often buy multiple tickets and festival passes. This data does not include on-the-door sales or attendees to free events...

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

A dataset providing the locations of all automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in council buildings where there is a high footfall of staff or members of the public. Further information Defibrillator units are the definitive treatment for a fibrillating heart (erratic, irregular and inefficient heart rhythm). Without rapid use (within four minutes) and early CPR the likelihood of survival from a Sudden Cardiac Arrest...

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This dataset lists all of the services offered by Neighbourhood Network schemes in Leeds.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This dataset provides a list of all street lighting apparatus in Leeds that is unmetered (e.g. without an electricty meter). This forms the vast majority of our apparatus. Further information  For information on street lighting including reporting faults visit: http://www.leeds.gov.uk/residents/Pages/StreetLighting.aspx

Posted 5 years ago

The Largest Digital Festival In The North The Leeds Digital Festival is a city-wide festival celebrating all things digital. 23rd April to 3rd May 2019. Visit www.leedsdigitalfestival.org for full details.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This dataset provides information on mobile phone masts located on Leeds City Council property, respective lease information and annual rent charges concerning them.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

A list of Canon printers used at Leeds City Council.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

A list of council ICT equipment, for example laptops and computers.

Data Mill North
Updated 5 years ago

This dataset shows how many times a top-level dataset page is viewed (e.g. www.datamillnorth.org/dataset/leeds-data-mill-webstats) and how many times a sub-page is viewed (e.g. www.datamillnorthl.org/dataset/leeds-data-mill-webstats/resource/........) Please note Leeds Data Mill launched on Friday 7th March 2014. Leeds Data Mill was rebraned to Data Mill North on Monday 1st August 2016 Over time, page URLs may change, therefore some stats...

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

This data set is no longer updated. Please visit /dataset/leeds-schools-all-information which contains contact information. Key contact information for schools in Leeds.