Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

A dataset of all libraries in Leeds, including the geolocation, accessibility information, opening times and services offered at each location.  Additional information  For further information on Leeds libraries visit http://www.leeds.gov.uk/leisure/Pages/Libraries.aspx

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

A list of licensed riding establishments in the Leeds area.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

These are licences issued to premises which sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment, or serve hot food after 11pm (e.g. pubs, bars, takeaways, supermarkets and hotels). The best way to work with this dataset is to save it to your computer and open it in a spread sheet program like Microsoft Excel. Please read the 'How to work with this xml file'...

Office for Low Emission Vehicles
Updated 5 years ago

A link to an API of all common plug electrical charge points. The national charge point registry is a public database of publicly funded charge points across the UK.

West Yorkshire Joint Services
Updated 5 years ago

The following geospatial dataset indicates the local wildlife sites in the region. Please note In respect of the River Aire PDFs; these sites form part of the West Yorkshire Local Wildlife Sites shape files and fall within a 1000m buffer area around the river base. There are other Local Wildlife Sites in North Yorkshire and the details may be available from [email protected] ...

Department for Transport
Updated 5 years ago

NaPTAN is Britain's national system for uniquely identifying points of access to public transport. It is a core component of the national transport information infrastructure and is used by a number of other UK standards and information systems. There is a NaPTAN record for every bus stop, railway station, airport, ferry terminal etc. in England, Scotland and Wales. Record attributes include...

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

Dataset showing all the cycle routes (not restricted to cycle lanes) in the Leeds metropolitan district. Please note This dataset is reviewed annually but will not be updated if no changes have been made.

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

Dataset showing the proposed cycle link between Leeds and Bradford. Please note This dataset is reviewed annually but will not be updated if no changes have been made. Licence information This dataset includes Ordnance Survey derived data. As such, you may use this for personal, non-commercial use only. By accessing the data you are deemed to have accepted the Public...

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

The following shape file datasets show the traffic orders for Lines (e.g. double yellow and parking bay restrictions) and Region (e.g. restricted parking zones for residents). Using appropriate Geographic Information Software (GIS) tools the datasets allow you to identify traffic orders across the city.  Additional Information This links to the Leeds Traffweb web page which provides visualisations on confirmed Traffic Regulation Orders in Leeds http://www.leedstraffweb.co.uk/main.html

Leeds City Council
Updated 5 years ago

A dataset providing the location and opening/closing times of leisure centres in Leeds and a live API of classes being run in the leisure centres including name of the class and running times.  Please note  Site ID on the leisure centre dataset relates to the header ID on the API. Addiitional information To find out more about leisure centres and classes in Leeds click here: http://active.leeds.gov.uk/Pages/default.aspx.