Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset shows the number of requests for various online services offered by Leeds City Council. Guidance Service subscriptions - this is basically a report of the number of subscriptions to a particular service over the chosen date range Summary accessed report - this report shows the total number of hits on the summary pages over a specific period

Innovation Labs
Updated 7 years ago

A dataset providing the background, list of solutions and outcome for the age friendly innovation lab - Transport.  The lab was held on Monday 6th July 2015 and commissioned by Adult Social Care, Leeds City Council. Development question How can we make travel information accessible to older people? This includes real time information displays at bus stops, and other information at stops and...

Innovation Labs
Updated 7 years ago

A dataset providing the background, list of solutions and outcome for the schools admissions lab.  The lab was held on Monday 29th June 2015 and commissioned by Childrens Services, Leeds City Council.  Development question Can we enable parents to access information about schools admissions via an online platform to reduce FOI requests. This platform should use data visualisations to show admission trends to...

Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset shows premises Licences, club premises certificates and temporary event notices. Local Government Association/Open Data Institute Leeds City Council is participating in a scheme run by the LGA and ODI to standardise datasets from local authorities. Public toilets, premises licences, and planning datasets have been identified first to pilot this scheme. Please note: This dataset is no longer being kept...

Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

Dataset contains the number of weeks taken to house the last applicant in a property, shows the year they were housed, their housing priority status, the type of property and the general location. Please note This dataset was produced as a one off for the city intelligence innovation lab. To find out about the lab click here: https://datamillnorth.org/dataset/city-intelligence-innovation-lab

Posted 7 years ago

Produced by: Bradford Data & Information Team Website: Bradford DataHub (opens in a new window) Find out more: The Things Network (opens in a new window) The Bradford Data & Information Team has made available a visual guide to Things Network coverage. Initially this includes Bradford, Calderdale and Manchester. The region has a growing number of gateways for The Things Network. Typically these gateways...

Liverpool City Council
Updated 7 years ago

Liverpool City Council provides details of all transactions made on a Government Procurement Card. More information can be found on our website. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-government-transparency-code-2015

Liverpool City Council
Updated 7 years ago

A summary of all grant payments made by Liverpool City Council to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. More information available on our website. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-government-transparency-code-2015

Liverpool City Council
Updated 7 years ago

Liverpool City Council publishes salary information showing the ratios between the lowest and highest paid employees. Please note The median is the middle salary when all salaries have been sorted into ascending order. Salaries of part time staff are treated at the full time equivalent pay. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants...

Liverpool City Council
Updated 7 years ago

Liverpool City Council owned land and buildings by street location and tenure. Definitions and information Tenure Freehold - leasehold Freehold - licence Freehold - occupied by Local Authority Leasehold - ground leasehold Leasehold - occupied by Local Authority Other - mixed Abbreviations adj adjacent to or adjoining Bld building CFC customer focus centre ...