Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains locations of traffic signals in Stockport, including Signals, Puffins, Pelicans, Pegasus, Wig Wags, Toucans, and LRT. The data is derived from open data published by Transport for Greater Manchester:  SCOOT_REG: Scoot region SCOOT_STA: Scoot status SCOOT_DAT: Scoot commission date SCOOT_ANT: Scoot anticipated date SCOOT_PRO: Scoot progress HA_AREA: Highways agency area HA_MAINT: Highyways agency maintained   Crossing: Crossing facility

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains data on attendance and free school meal eligibility for secondary schools in Stockport. Attendance Data for 2015/16 academic year Tot_Pupil: Distinct count of pupils attending at least one session during the year AuthSess: Sessions missed by a pupil due to authorised absence UnauthSe: Sessions missed by a pupil due to unauthorised absence TotalSess: Total sessions possible (AuthSess + UnauthSe) / TotalSess = overall absence...

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains GCSE results by LSOA for pupils resident in Stockport at the time they sat their examinations. Data is provided for the years 2006-15. K4Lar = Count of pupils sitting their GCSEs K4Ach = Count of pupils achieving at least 5 A*-C including English and Maths PerAC = Percentage of pupils achieving at least 5 A*-C including English and Maths In areas where...

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains two measures of demand in Children's Social Care. Open children's social care cases Count of active Children in Need Episodes (Open Cases) in Stockport as at 31st March 2016 Children's social care referrals Count of referrals to Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council Children's Services in the period 1st April 2015 - 31st March 2016 Further information about Children's Social Care can be found on the Citizen's Advice Bureau website:

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains information on the prevalence of a variety of health conditions amongst Stockport residents, aggregated by LSOA. The count of individuals affected by each condition is provided, along with the GP registered population for each LSOA. The data represents a snapshot taken in June 2016. Conditions covered include: Hypertension, Anxiety, Depression, Asthma, Obesity, Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, Falls, Cancer, Chronic Kidney Disease,...

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains the count of births and fertility rate by LSOA for 2015, along with the count and direct age standardized rate of deaths for the period 2013-15. Information on the calculation of direct age standardized rates can be found in the technical documentation below. LiveBirth: Live Births 2015 Fert_Rate: General fertility rate 2015 Deaths: Deaths 2013-2015 Stan_Death: Directly Standardized Rate Deaths 2013-15

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains information on Stockport residents who are smokers and/or have asthma, aggregated by LSOA. The data provided for each item is the directly age standardised rate per 100,000, for all persons, males only and females only. An assessment of the statistical significance of each data point is also provided. Information on the calculation of direct age standardized rates can be...

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains data on the volume of contacts from members of the public to Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council's Adult Social Care services. Contacts are aggregated by LSOA, using the subject of the referral's address. The data covers the the period April 2015-March 2016 inclusive. lsoContac = Number of contacts originating from within the LSOA during the period.

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

Dataset showing the extent of Air Quality Management Areas in the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport.

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

Dataset containing food hygeine data for establishments in Stockport. Further information on the calculation of food hygeine ratings can be found in the technical documentation below.