Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

Dataset showing the 2014 Tour de France route within the Leeds metropolitan district boundary. Please note This dataset is a one-off publication. Licence information This dataset includes Ordnance Survey derived data. As such, you may use this for personal, non-commercial...

Innovation Labs
Updated 7 years ago

A dataset providing the background, list of solutions and outcome for the fleet services lab. The lab was held on Friday 23rd January 2015 and commissioned by Fleet Services, Leeds City Council.  Development question  The objective was to create a baseline to understand which areas of the council are currently spending money on fuel and how much. There are two factors that the...

Highways England
Updated 7 years ago

A Shapefile to show the extent of the Strategic Road Network managed by Highways England and a Shapefile specifically for Area 12 (Yorkshire and Humber).

Durham County Council
Updated 7 years ago

Data around footfall at Durham University

Office of National Statistics
Updated 7 years ago

Open Geography is a framework from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) that provides free and open access to the definitive source of geographic products, tools and services to a range of customers, including statistical producers and the private sector. The Open Geography portal (portal) will allow users to discover, view and download data and metadata from a wide range of...

Highways England
Updated 7 years ago

A dataset to show all Driver Location Signs on the Strategic Road Network. These marker posts are located at 100m intervals. The location is represented as P (post) 110 (kilometres from the start of the motorway) / 9 (+900 metres i.e. 110.9km from the start of the motorway) B (direction of travel, B = East to West in this instance) ...

Newcastle City Council
Updated 7 years ago

The amount and the quality of the City’s open space, greenery, and other recreation facilities is crucial to its liveability, and the health and well-being of residents and visitors. These facilities provide areas for active and passive recreation as well as greenery and visual relief in the urban area. It is vitally important therefore that the City Council protects and...

National Rail
Updated 7 years ago

National Rail Enquiries (NRE) support the principle of transparency and contribute to the wider industry agenda by making data openly available in the public domain. NRE have a selection of APIs and XML feeds that are available for use by third party developers to create their own applications. The data feeds are derived from our three primary engines; Darwin, KB and OJP.

Highways England
Updated 7 years ago

A shapefile to show the locations of all lighting columns on the Highways England network withink Area 12 (Yorkshire and Humber). The information is compiled by our service providers and may not be complete.

Highways England
Updated 7 years ago

A list of planned closures for Area 12 in September 2016. Dataset includes; Road Number, Closure Start Date, Closure End Date, Closure Type, Closure Description, Temporary Speed Limits, X and Y Coordinates.