Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

This is a dataset of properties deemed to be a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO), or shared occupation as used by the council's Planning section as an evidence base for future HMO applications. The data is sourced from council tax data and is solely used by the council for planning use and is not intended to represent a definitive list of...

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

Usage data for Electric Vehicle chargepoints in Council car parks in Leeds including how often they are used, duration of charge, electricity consumed and type of vehicle.

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

List of council-owned car parks, their locations and number of spaces available. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-government-transparency-code-2015

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

Some properties are the subject of a Temporary Exemption Notice (TEN) for a Selective Licence served by Leeds City Council. TENs last for a maximum of 3 month and are served when a landlord is taking certain steps to ensure that their property no longer needs a licence. This shortened online record shows the Temporary Exemption Notices (TENs) that have been served...

Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
Updated 3 years ago

A dataset showing registered food outlets located within a number of Local Authority districts and pointers to the Food Standards Agency raw data. The GeoJSON files will have less premises than the CSV / raw data as some food premises do not have a specific location, for example Mobile Caterers. This dataset is derived from The Food Standards...

Leeds City Council
Added 3 years ago

Candidate details for Local and General elections

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Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

Breakdown of the number of each type of taxi and private hire licence issued in Leeds

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

Dataset showing completed planning applications. This dataset includes the property address the application relates to, type of application and outcome. Please refer to guidance document for further information on what the fields refer to. Automated update This dataset is updated automatically monthly on the first of each month.

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

This dataset lists the number of parking spaces in each classification managed by the Parking Services section of Leeds City Council. It shows the free and charged-for parking spaces available. Local Government Transparency Code 2015 This is a key dataset which the government wants local authorities to publish. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/local-government-transparency-code-2015

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 years ago

Dataset concerning the Traffic and Air Quality modelling undertaken by LCC taken to support implementing the Clean Air Zone, and the subsequent review in 2020 that led to the decision to cancel the Clean Air Zone.