Leeds City Council, who manage Data Mill North, are proud to be one of the sponsors of Open Innovations (formerly ODI Leeds) and host Leeds City Council’s Innovation Labs (data dives, hack events) in Open Innovations’ unique collaboration space. Open Innovations was originally established in November 2013 as ODI Leeds – then part of the Open Data Institute. Open Innovations works...
About us Data Mill North is a collaborative website originally set up by Leeds City Council. In March 2014, we had a plan. We wanted to tackle the challenge of increasing demands and decreasing resources in Leeds. The plan is to enable people and organisations to explore the different complex relationships between the city’s services and businesses, by collecting Open Data from...
There are 8 cameras located at various locations around the city centre monitoring numbers of people walking past. These cameras calculate numbers on an hourly basis. This data can help identify footfall trends in the city centre and helps city centre management. Recently the camera names have been changed to reflect clearly where they are located due to some location...
Information on funerals organised by Leeds City Council due to circumstances such as no traceable next of kin, next of kin unable or prepared to organise or no-one able/available to fund the funeral. Dataset guidance Column 1: Postcode of area of the last known address of the deceased. Column 2: Date of death. Column 3: Total cost of...
This dataset comprises spending summaries for a range of services and cost types. Included at present are summaries of, agency social worker costs, domestic abuse service costs, expenditure on temporary accommodation.
This dataset shows information on development sites which contribute to the housing land supply in Leeds. These figures relate only to the supply of housing units on allocated sites and those with planning permission. It provides details on the size of sites, numbers of dwellings per site and whether the land is brownfield or greenfield. Dataset guidance ...
A link to various health and wellbeing datasets hosted on the Leeds Observatory.
An Article 4 direction removes various forms of permitted development right normally associated with a property. The reasons for the directions are normally to prevent development that would harm the character of the area. There are three Article 4 directions which control changes of use from Class C3 (family dwelling) to C4 (house in multiple occupation). Permitted Development Rights to extend, alter...
A listed building is statutorily protected against unauthorised demolition, alteration and extension. It has special 'national' architectural or historic interest.
List of the properties in Sheffield subject to business rates. The dataset includes: Property Reference Number, Full Property Address, NDR Analysis Code Description, NDR Code, Rateable Value. This is a redacted dataset and does not include: Liable Party Name, Property Status (Occupied or Vacant), Rate Relief, or Credit Balances. The Council has applied sections 31, 40 and 41 of the...