Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 2 months ago

Numbers and salaries of senior managers at Wakefield Council. Publishing this information annually is a requirement of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

This data set shows the number of preferences made to each Primary School in Leeds for reception and junior school places.

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

This dataset shows the priority cut off distances for all primary schools that either follows the LA Admissions Policy because they are a Community Controlled School or are their own admitting authority school but follow the LA Admissions Policy completely. It also shows the priority cut off distances, in miles, for schools that have an element of distance in their...

Northern Powergrid
Updated 3 months ago

Distribution Future Energy Scenarios - DFES 2023 Northern Powergrid's electricity distribution network future energy scenarios are key to understanding how we can achieve our decarbonisation goals in the northeast of England, Yorkshire, and parts of Lincolnshire. We are therefore presenting our Distribution Future Energy Scenarios (DFES) using an open data approach. Your feedback will help us to plan our network for...

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 3 months ago

Agency staffing supply costs for maintained schools and external providers, as agreed with Wakefield Schools Forum. Data sets will be updated annually, within 3 calendar months of the financial year end.

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 3 months ago

Data which shows the volume of environmental health-related reports made to Wakefield Council.   Noise nuisance - using the noise nuisance reporting procedure Light pollution Air pollution - smoke from bonfires, chimneys and dust Pest control - treatment and advice Condition of internal premises - concerns about health of residents

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

A dataset providing the total number of council houses from 2006 to present date as at the 31st March each year.

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

This provides data on all council housing which are currently tenanted, i.e. not empty properties. It provides details on property type, area, ward, and by post code sector. Information Please refer to the Property Type document for further guidance on what the property types descriptions mean.

Leeds City Council
Updated 3 months ago

This data set shows the procurement pipeline for Leeds City Council.

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 3 months ago

The government recommends that local authorities publish expenditure over £500 and all expenditure made on purchasing cards. As of Q1 2019/20 and in line with our commitment to openness and transparency we will now be publishing ALL transactions. The list will include: transactions for all values to external suppliers spend incurred in providing services It will not include: payments made to...