West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
Updated 7 years ago

The following dataset provides the location of fire stations located in West Yorkshrie broken down by district, easting and northings.

Posted 7 years ago

The must-attend event for data professionals in local authorities, NHS and government departments: The power of data is now widely recognised as crucial to making public services more effective and improving outcomes. Yet, despite this, many organisations remain at the start of their journey or still have a long way to go before they can fully unlock the opportunities data can...

Posted 7 years ago

It’s not currently possible to find a complete dataset on all charitable grants in the UK. 360Giving exists to change this. Its vision is that UK grantmaking is more informed, effective and strategic. 360Giving supports organisations to publish their grants data in an open, standardised way and helps people to understand and use the data in order to support decision-making and...

Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

Total spent (excluding VAT) by Leeds City Council Adult Social Care on agency qualified social workers.

Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

Registered tenancy and residents groups in Leeds. Please note  This dataset was produced as a one off for the city intelligence innovation lab. To find out about the lab click here: https://datamillnorth.org/dataset/city-intelligence-innovation-lab

Leeds City Council
Updated 7 years ago

A dataset providing the number of bids per letting, by year, area, property type. Also contained is information about the winning applicant's housing priority and the year in which they were awarded that priority. High level priorities A refers to an applicant who has an urgent need to move, e.g. domestic violence, homelessness, serious medical issue,...

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This dataset contains the locations of Care Homes and Care Homes with Nursing Provision within the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport.

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

Locations of play areas within the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport.

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

Location and boundaries of allotments within the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport.

Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Updated 7 years ago

This data contains Emergency Department attendances, emergency admissions and alcohol related admissions for Stockport residents, aggregated by LSOA. The data provided for each item is the direct age-standardised rate per 100,000, for all persons, males only and females only. An assessment of the statistical significance of each data point is also provided. Information on how direct age-standardisation is applied can be found...