Leeds City Council
Updated 4 months ago

This report and accompanying datasets aim to give an initial overview of the scale and nature of the council’s payments to, and business with, the 3rd sector (also known as the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector). It considers the distribution of this business amongst the 3rd sector bodies paid by the council and identifies which services were responsible for this...

Leeds City Council
Updated 4 months ago

Dataset showing recorded potholes across the city from 2015. Information includes location, Easting and Northing, as well as recorded and completion dates. Where the location is 0, this is due to operatives manually inputting reports to the system. Automated update This dataset is updated automatically on the 1st day of each quarter.

West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
Updated 4 months ago

The following dataset shows incidents in West Yorkshire area attended by West Yorkshire Fire Service broken down by district, ward area and first part of postcode. Definitions Primary fires are generally more serious fires occurring in one or more of the following locations, buildings, caravans or trailers, vehicles and other methods of transport (not derelict). Outdoor storage, plant, machinery, agricultural, forestry...

Leeds City Council
Updated 4 months ago

This dataset provides details of all Section 106 Agreements entered into between developers and Leeds City Council.  Section 106 agreements are private agreements negotiated between local planning authorities and persons with an interest in a piece of land (or developers) under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. They are normally used to enhance the quality of development and...

Leeds City Council, who manage Data Mill North, are proud to be one of the sponsors of Open Innovations (formerly ODI Leeds) and host Leeds City Council’s Innovation Labs (data dives, hack events) in Open Innovations’ unique collaboration space. Open Innovations was originally established in November 2013 as ODI Leeds – then part of the Open Data Institute. Open Innovations works...

Sheffield City Council
Updated 5 months ago

Dataset showing all council owned vehicles. Fleet number Registration number Make & Model Bodywork/body manufacturer or converter User (Parks, Rangers etc)  List of vehicles disposed over the last 18 months, including the following details: Fleet number Registration number Make & Model Bodywork/body manufacturer or converter Date it was disposed How it was disposed of (auction, scrap etc.) [As of Dec 2019] Leased vehicles information

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council
Updated 5 months ago

Invitations to tender and quote, and contracts awarded by Wakefield Council. Latest data sets will be published within one month of the quarter end. From Quarter 2 of 2014/15 to Quarter 1 of 2016/17 the data have been published in separate documents. From Quarter 2 of 2016/17, all data is published in one document. This is due to software replacement. Publishing this information...

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Newcastle City Council
Updated 6 months ago

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 require all local planning authorities in England to prepare and maintain registers of brownfield land that is suitable for residential development. This register identifies sites within Newcastle City Council local authority area.

Leeds City Council
Updated 6 months ago

A dataset providing a snapshot of the workforce profile of Leeds City Council.  Further information FTE - Full time equivalent, these are the hours worked by one employee on a full-time basis. 1 FTE unit is the equivalent to one employee working full time (37 hours), 0.5 FTE is the equivalent of one employee working 18.5 hours.  Ethnically Diverse - The number...

Leeds City Council
Updated 6 months ago

Leeds City Council publishes details of all officers earning over £50,000, including the top three tiers of its senior management. The top three tiers are regarded as the Chief Executive, Directors, and Chief Officers who report to a Director. If you have any queries relating to this dataset or wish to get in touch with one of the senior officers in...