Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

Secondary school attendance based on sessions attended for pupils living in the LSOA for the academic year. A session is a half day at school. As a result of school closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic there will be no attendance data available for 2019/20.

Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

A data set which shows the number of sessions attended at primary schools in Leeds by LSOA and overall attendance. A session is half a day. As a result of school closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic there will be no attendance data available for 2019/20.

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National Rail
Updated 4 years ago

This data set shows footfall data at Leeds Station broken down into 15 minute sections. This shows the number of people travelling through the concourse who are starting and finishing their journey at Leeds station. It does not show people continuing a journey via Leeds station..

Leeds City Council
Added 4 years ago

Spatial dataset representing all the existing tree canopies within the city centre of Leeds as defined CC2 boundary (UDP 2006). The trees are classified as Single, Linear or Group.   2017 - Captured against Google Maps aerial photographs 2017  2010 - Captured against Bluesky aerial photographs 2009 which are PAI

Yorkshire Water
Updated 4 years ago

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Yorkshire Water
Updated 4 years ago

This dataset is a complete view of all pollution incidents with the following attributes; Covers the last 4 years in line with the EPA summary (2016 - 2019 inclusive) Includes classifications graded 1-3 (excludes 4) Includes EA (environment assessment) reference Includes Grid references Includes date incident occurred The information is formatted the same as per the...

Accessibility statement for Data Mill North This accessibility statement applies to content published on www.datamillnorth.org This website is run by Leeds City Council. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. For example, that means you should be able to: change colours, contrast levels and fonts zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen navigate...

Yorkshire Water
Updated 4 years ago

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Leeds City Council
Updated 4 years ago

A data set which shows the service requests that have been made by Leeds residents for assistance during the Covid-19 Pandemic to the Covid-19 helpline.

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Yorkshire Water
Updated 4 years ago

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