A dataset to show the traffic count from 29 recorders located around Leeds. Please note Sdate - indicates the date and time the count was taken. Cosit - Site ID number which indicates the recorder location (see Recorder Locations document below). Period - length of time count was taken. LaneNumber - Lane ID number which indicates the number of lanes. LaneDirection...
This dataset shows outside market stalls data for Leeds city, Yeadon, Pudsey and Otley. Information includes number of stalls available, how many empty stalls there were on trading days and whether these stalls were offered at a reduced rate. Information Data starts on 01/04/2002 and is updated monthly.
The government recommends that local authorities publish expenditure over £500 and all expenditure made on purchasing cards. As of January 2014 and in line with our commitment to openness and transparency we will now be publishing ALL transactions (note; areas may be redacted as they may be commercially sensitive or there may be data protection issues). Local Government Transparency Code 2015 ...
Invitations to tender and quote, and contracts awarded by Wakefield Council. Latest data sets will be published within one month of the quarter end. From Quarter 2 of 2014/15 to Quarter 1 of 2016/17 the data have been published in separate documents. From Quarter 2 of 2016/17, all data is published in one document. This is due to software replacement. Publishing this information...
A dataset providing details on how many bids are being made on specific vacant council properties. Information includes full postal address, type of property, and number of bids made. Information Please refer to the Property Type and Ward guidance documents for additional information.
Leeds City Council Annual Travel to Work Survey ran between 6th March 2024 and 5th April 2024. The survey is the councils primary tool for Travel Plan Monitoring. The survey received a total of 5,073 responses made up of 1,757 responses from Leeds City Council employees and 3,316 responses from employees of other businesses and organisations across the city. No survey...
This dataset shows staff time allocated to trade union activities. Please note Data is based on trade union roles/facilties time recorded corporately C= convenors ULRC = Union Learn Representative Co-Ordinator ULRL = Union Learn Representative Lead Costs are based on basic pay with oncost and also include accommodation costs Trade union spend is calculated as...
This data relates to long term empty properties (i.e. those that have been empty for more than 6 months). The information relates purely to empty property addresses that are within the private sector and which are not owned by private individuals (i.e. owned by limited companies). Information The Council considers that the full addresses of the privately owned properties can...
The Housing in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence record shows if a landlord has been issued with a HMO licence for his/her property and the expiry date of the licence. New licence applications will not appear on the list until they have been processed and issued. Landlords of properties issued with HMO licences must display a copy of their licence in a...