Posted 6 years ago

Public libraries around the UK are now lending out BBC micro:bit computers to help people learn essential digital skills. Amy Hearn will share details of what’s happening around the Leeds City Region with microbits in libraries – see how you can take part! Amy runs Hudderfield Girl Geeks meetup and is a keen promoter of #microbitsinlibraries

Posted 6 years ago

Produced by: Fish Percolator Commissioned by: Time to Shine Find out more: Website Maple is a tool for generating maps of geographic data about Leeds; for example, if you want to visualise your geographic data in a report or presentation. It is aimed at people who already have the data, but are having difficulty presenting it in a meaningful way. It can generate...

Open Innovations
Added 6 years ago

GeoJSON files created daily from Open Street Map. The data are split into the following main categories: amenities buildings landusage leisure natural railways roads waterways Within each category, the types assigned in the raw data are used to further split the data into separate GeoJSON files. We also provide breakdowns for Leeds, Bradford,...

Posted 6 years ago

Most UK local authorities have embraced the concept of open data, slowly but surely opening up new data sets. Andy Radford, Transport Planner at Birmingham City Council, had a very different experience. Let him take you back to 2014… “My colleague had masterminded a successful bid for a European Project, Opticities, and then abruptly left the organisation. My task was to...

Posted 7 years ago

Produced by: ODI Leeds Find out more: Website From 31 December 2017 all local planning authorities are required to publish their brownfield land registers and to review them at least once a year. The standardised registers will ensure that information and data about brownfield land across the country can be aggregated and presented in a variety of ways. ODI Leeds have taken the...

Open Innovations
Added 7 years ago

Note that this dataset only provides the derived geography of each energy performance certificate (EPC) within Leeds. Each EPC has Eastings/Northings, LSOA ID, and Ward ID. There is a separate dataset containing the environmental data for each EPC in a separate dataset with a more open licence. Full documentation can be found in the other dataset. Both datasets can be...

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Open Innovations
Added 7 years ago

The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) publishes EPC data, licenced under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0., providing information on the energy performance of buildings to help contribute towards the Government’s climate change adaptation and greenhouse gas emission reduction policies. The certificates detail data for each property’s current and potential performance for a number of indicators; the...

Posted 7 years ago

Join us in our lovely space as we stream the Lunchtime Lecture live from London. We will have tea/coffee and wifi available in a bright comfortable space. Get out of the office, stretch your legs, and catch a brilliant bite-size talk from experts in data from across the globe. Over the past two years we have seen swathes of manufacture attempt...

Posted 7 years ago

Join us for a festive morning in the newly refurbished space and check out all of the fantastic new additions that now makes ODI Leeds the best place in Leeds for innovation. Find out how the new furniture, new walls and whiteboards, and the new A/V kit will improve future events and continue to let us talk about our work...

Posted 7 years ago

A crowd favourite, the LDCM is a fun morning of networking, coffee drinking, pastry eating, creative thinking and lounging.Come along for a post-Xmas chillout session – we’ll bring EXTRA strong coffee! Join us at Platform (above the train station) for an 8.30am start. As usual, our friends from 200 Degrees will be set-up and ready to serve fresh coffee and pastries....