Leeds City Council
Updated 8 years ago

This dataset has been released as a one-off extra dataset to supplement the existing rain gauge rainfall data for the FloodHack16 hack event held at ODI Leeds on 11 & 12 March 2016. Information Every time 0.2mm of rain has fallen, the time stamp is recorded.  This means that the closer the time stamp, the harder it is raining.

Posted 8 years ago

FloodHack 16 will run across Friday & Saturday, maximising the chance of people with different commitments to get involved at some stage. It’s running in the excellent cowork space at ODI Leeds with fibre broadband & plenty of work benches. The aim is wide variety of different prototypes, including maps, community building, comms, open data, visualisation & electronic monitoring. The hack...

Posted 9 years ago

New datasets will be published and existing ones tagged ‘housing innovation lab‘ to enable easy searching. This is an internal Leeds City Council Innovation Lab where we team up service providers, service users and technologists to address a burning issue. Our goal for this Lab is to ensure that our service users are re-housed successfully and sustainably. With this in mind,...

Posted 8 years ago

Event: Social housing Innovation Lab Data: Social housing Leeds City Council is hosting an Innovation Lab with a focus on ensuring that service users are re-housed successfully and sustainably. They are hoping to develop a contextual search tool that takes into account individual behaviour and user-needs and want the platform to guide users to make suitable choices about their rehousing options. In...

Posted 8 years ago

48 hours of experimentation, collaboration and learning while having fun at the same time. There’s nothing like it – the Global Service Jam. We bring you the Leeds Service Jam, learning by doing! It’s open to the whole community of Leeds, designing services better, working together and trying out different service design approaches. A great way to meet new collaborators and try...

Posted 9 years ago

Are you curious about the benefits of open data? Perhaps you have a business which could benefit from it, find out how other people are using it? Or maybe you already have a business working with open data and you are looking for funding. Join the Open Data Institute, ODI Leeds and Leeds Data Mill for an informal evening, and meet...

Posted 8 years ago

This is an Open Meeting to discuss #FloodHack16. We will be running #FloodHack16 on the 11th & 12th March here at ODI Leeds – we will be looking at what challenges the recent flooding created and what technology, data and innovation can do, and building stuff that helps. All welcome, please come along, and find out how what you know, what you...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Leo Donato, Enterprise Europe Network in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, 12/06/2015 Find out more: App Store / Google Play / Website The ViaggiArt project, promoted by the Italian company Altrama , is an open data based web platform and mobile application for cultural tourism. The solution, which is already available in Italy, allows tourists to access reliable open data...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Anys Williams, 15/08/2015 Find out more: Website Mention ‘open data’ to most people and, if it means anything at all, surveillance, security, technology, calculators spring to mind. Open data is in fact a massive well of published information that we’re only just starting to explore the possibilities of its re-use. Just one way Leeds City Council is trying to make...

Posted 9 years ago

Leeds Data Mill have joined forces with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (formerly Metro), and ODI Leeds to create Hack My Route, a creative hack day designed to bring cyclists together with road safety specialists and creative developers to create a new service for cyclists across the wider West Yorkshire region. Why? There are a number of different route planners available to cyclist...