Posted 10 years ago

Written by: Data Mill North, 02/10/2014 The challenge Leeds has long been heralded as a sporting city, with a stronghold of supporters come rain or shine. What we are less known for however is those small community sports clubs that brave the elements every weekend without fail. We know that local clubs are already active hovering just below the radar, but how...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Data Mill North, 07/02/2015 Leeds Data Mill have joined forces with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (formerly Metro), and ODI Leeds to create Hack My Route, a creative hack day designed to bring cyclists together with road safety specialists and creative developers to create a new service for cyclists across the wider West Yorkshire region. Catch the action as it...

Posted 10 years ago

Written by: Data Mill North, 02/12/2014 In the coming months we will be running a series of internal hacks with Leeds City Council staff. Our goal is to build confidence in a more collaborative way of working that can be facilitated by open data. We also want to increase the number of open data sets that are made available on Leeds...

Posted 10 years ago

Written by: Tom Forth, IMACTIVATE, 03/12/2014 What’s it like to take part in an internal data dive to help businesses understand the potential of their data? We asked Tom Forth to tell us tales from the recent Leeds City Council Sports Internal Data Dive. From Wakefield, Bradford, and Leeds a team of West Yorkshire data wranglers assembled at the ODILeeds to hear...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Briony Phillips, Open Data Institute, 16/01/2015 I spent the last weekend being inspired by an eclectic group of entrepreneurs, economists, knitters, project managers and developers who had a shared interest in how we can inject some fresh, data driven ideas and energy into the heritage and culture sector(s). We talked about whether the traditional success measure of ‘people through the...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Leanne Buchan, Leeds City Council, 27/01/2015 Find out more: Blog / Website Leeds Empties is a social enterprise which works with owners of empty homes to bring them back into use. We are funded by Leeds City Council – and work alongside their Empty Homes Team to offer intensive support to owners of empty homes in Leeds – 90% of...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Sandip Ghattaure, Data Mill North, 23/02/2015 Sandip Ghattaure and Stephen Blackburn both work in Leeds City Council’s Open Data team. Their latest work is the release of the city’s WiFi data set. Sandip: As part of the open data team, my role is to liaise with services and partners, encouraging them to open up their varied amounts of data, at...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Sandip Ghattaure, Data Mill North, 15/05/2015 Find out more: Website At Leeds City Council we have lots of information on our website pages about the activities and sports on offer at our various leisure centres. We wanted to see how newly published data could present this same data in a new and interactive way. Working with Hebe Works, we published...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Abhay Adhikari, Urban Sustainable Development Lab, 25/08/2015 Photograph by: David Hayward Many cities across the world are keen to evolve into a futuristic ‘smart’ metropolis. But there is another significant change that is taking place in our towns and cities right now. We’re living longer than previous generations. In the UK alone, the number of people aged 80 and over...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Abhay Adhikari, Urban Sustainable Development Lab, 26/08/2015 Earlier this week we held our first Energy Innovation Lab as part of the ongoing Smart City programme. The Lab marks the beginning of a project to encourage employees to take greater interest in their carbon footprint. We made some surprising discoveries when we analysed the energy consumption data of one of...