Posted 8 years ago

Written by: Abhay Adhikari, Urban Sustainable Development Lab, 11/07/2016 The Sustainable Development Lab has been named as one of 2016’s New Radicals by Nesta and the Observer newspaper. We are one of 50 radical-thinking individuals and organisations changing the UK for the better! Check out our profile on the Nesta website. It has been running for 18 months. With help from the...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Liam Bolton, ODI Leeds, 24/09/2015 Find out more: Product / Website This year ODI Leeds embarked on an ambitious project focusing on road traffic casualties in the city. Using open data from Leeds Data Mill, I began exploring the Road Traffic Accidents datasets available on the portal. This initially culminated in a dot density map of cycling casualties in the city. What...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Stephen Blackburn, Data Mill North, 19/10/2015 Edafe Onerhime is a Strategist, Speaker and Consultant. She has worked with Leeds Data Mill and Leeds City Council on a number of their Innovation Labs and done some great work in ‘making sense of data’. Here, she’s pulled together all manner of links and guides to help us all through the open...

Posted 9 years ago

Written by: Sandip Ghattaure, Data Mill North, 16/12/2015 Find out more: Website At Leeds Data Mill we’re always looking to new and innovative methods of presenting open data in interesting and useful ways. We recently came across the website OpenPrescribing ( which does just that. Built by Ben Goldacre and Anna Powell-Smith at the EBM Data Lab, OpenPrescribing uses millions of rows of...

Posted 8 years ago

Written by: Tom Bliss, Leeds Beckett University, 08/03/2016 Why ‘Urbal’? There is a term, ‘Rurban,’ which technically describes a ‘periurban’ area that is chiefly residential, but where some farming is carried out. It’s also used by some to describe the bleeding of unsustainable and polluting urban consumerism into formerly healthy rural resources. (It’s even been claimed that the whole of Britain is...

Posted 8 years ago

Written by: Tom Forth, IMACTIVATE, 24/03/2016 Find out more: Website On the 11th and 12th of March nearly a hundred people came to ODILeeds to pool knowledge, share ideas, and build solutions to flooding. We were blown away by what was achieved. For a quick intro to what happened, check out Paul Lancaster’s blog for TechNorth. For more details read through Stuart Childs’s...

Posted 8 years ago

Written by: Stephen Blackburn, Data Mill North, 18/05/2016 I’ve not written a blog post for a while so I thought I’d better pull my finger out. Truth is, in the Open Data team (well, ‘team’ is perhaps stretching it – there’s two of us), we’ve just busy getting on with the day job – identifying datasets, working with a wide variety...

Posted 8 years ago

Written by: Stephen Blackburn, Data Mill North, 18/10/2016 Website: ODI Summit and Awards 2016 This has been a great year for us at the Data Mill and the good news keeps coming. It was a big step forward to re-brand Leeds Data Mill to Data Mill North and great to see City of Bradford MDC publishing ever more datasets and producing some...

Posted 8 years ago

Written by: Sandip Ghattaure, Data Mill North, 27/05/2016 Chances are if you’re reading this you have an interest in data. Whether it be looking for patterns or re-using it in different ways. If however, you want to find out more about the city and don’t have a background in analysis or coding, or just simply not interested in looking at rows...

Posted 7 years ago

To kick off Leeds digital festival 2017, ODI Leeds will be hosting a showcase of talks by digital leaders, innovators and partners of the node. The day will be a celebration of open data and tech projects in Leeds and beyond. Speakers include: CEO of Open Data Institute, Jeni Tennison OpenDataSoft, Fanny Goldsmith Innovation with Data, Alex Craven from Bloom/Jaywing Autonomous vehicles and transport data,...